SEARS: The end of the era of Brookdale Mall

remember watching Brookdale Mall (Brooklyn Center, Minnesota) being constructed as we all eagerly peered out the school bus windows, on our way to  Northport elementary.  (It was my kindergarten year, and everything was bustling with “newness”.)

It was magical – Just imagining a mass of stores, under one cover, in a luxurious setting with restaurants attached – called:  A MALL!

So many shopping firsts and fashion firsts were acquired at Brookdale Mall: Dayton’s, Penney’s, Donaldson’s, Snyder’s and……..Sears. I worked at Sears throughout High School….. it was a grand place to work.  I can’t remember a time as a little girl when I didn’t look forward to the Christmas Wish Book, or going with my Dad to get a “Craftsman” tool.  And when Mom’s washer went on the blink – off we’d go to Sears for a replacement.  Sears was the store for the Everyman.   Catalog2

The demolishing of Brookdale Mall a number of years back left one vestige standing: Sears. But now – it will soon be demolished as well.

I visited my flagship job/store/memory maker  –  in the last final days, and it was heartbreaking.  Below are a few pictures on the history of Sears – as I remember it and photographed  it.

Nothing stays the same.
And, at times, they simply vanish

60's        Catalog


RETAILER’s:  Open on Holidays? Are we outraged or are we ignorant?

…… This is my take – Holidays mean 3 things to the average citizen:

  • A paid day off from work (but not in retail)
  • Football, Family, Food (But not in retail)
  • Traditional family time (But not in retail).


So perhaps we shouldn’t leave it up to the hard working employees to suffer the consequences for our greed – perhaps we should support the retailers that choose to honor those employees with quality family time off, visit their stores (after the holiday) and simply NOT SHOP on holidays…..

There is the flip-side to this coin: Employees that don’t have or want family time.  Should they be forced to lose the income for those holidays?  Should the employer pay holiday pay to all that don’t work on holidays (this will never happen – perhaps for management – but not for the hourly workers) – or give them the choice to work?

There are always two sides (or many) to the coin.  Opinions??

“I have an autoimmune disease…..


“I have an autoimmune disease…..

I just wish more people understood . . . what I have is not a cold or the flu. I will never get better. A nap won’t help. I’m on meds to keep me alive because my cells attack all cells thinking all cells are bad – but this kills good cells which are in the body to help me.

Please, in honor of someone who is fighting Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Sarcoidosis, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hepatitis, Diabetes, Celiac, Lupus, PBC, CIDP, UC, Crones, Hashimotos . . . (copy, and paste).”   -author unknown

In RESPONSE:  At Dignity by Design*, I work with ALL of the diseases that are mentioned above – and many, many more.

It is true – people are not aware of – nor cannot truly empathize with – the inner struggles associated with individual disabilities (nor outer struggles for that matter).  It’s difficult for anyone dealing with a disability to be patronized, or awkwardly sympathized with, or to have to “describe” or “qualify” one’s self over and over, day in – day out. When the world doesn’t see a “cookie-cutter” human – they often turn away or literally act incapable of natural human interaction – simply due to their personal discomfort. 

Here is my advice: GET OVER IT!  Deal with all humans with respect and actual INTEREST in them as human beings – not diseases.  Get to know the PERSON – not the disability….. then all else will fall into place.  Maybe… a new friendship, maybe…. Better understanding of your partner or child or parent. 

Diversity is what makes the world go round – Embrace it!


Is the Legacy Marketing Professional extinct in today’s business arena?


I recently read a job posting for a
“Digital Ma
rketing Coordinator” position (and have seen these increasingly over the past 10 years or so) which describes the position as follows:

“You will be a part of the Marketing Communications team and will
take on the launch of their new site as well as take on responsibility
for digital marketing strategy, campaigns, platforms, etc!  The right
fit will have;

– 2+ years’ experience in the digital marketing space
– Experience working in a very technical industry
– Strong background in all things digital (email, website, social,
SEO/SEM, Google AdWords, etc!)
– Writing chops

This team is looking for someone to come in and own the digital
marketing space, drive demand, and bring ideas to the table in a
knowledgeable and collaborative way. ”

Nice position, Right??

But….Note: The company is REALLY looking at 2 very separate positions – for the price of 1.
Don’t get me wrong – most creatives hav
e a strong technical background (or at least, many do) but the true Marketing role is intense: Analytics, marketplace knowledge, market development and strategies, copy, print knowledge and MAJOR copy writing and visual placement “chops” – not to mention KILLER networking broad base knowledge and connects.
Now…throw in “all things digital”….Website maintenance? SEO/SEM, social media (daily, hourly, minute by minute – add Hootsuite and some of that is managed) – but you still have to come up with the copy and visuals.   ANYWAY………………

The point of this lengthy review is:

SHOUT OUT TO COMPANIES:  Hire what you need – know WHAT you need – and PAY for the expertise.

Defending Peace Production Services

Your Political Legacy

believe that there must be – in each state a leader, an appointed official, a Governor or Representative – that the members of said state recalls as a “big mistake” – due to distrust of current leaders or recent or past economic/legislative undermining.Trump

Please do not make the same mistake with Donald Trump. He is not anti-establishment, he is not anti-government.  He is anti-American Humanity.  This would be like handing the country over to Castro or Mussolini.  Who he is against will perish or go to war within the country and community.  Who he is for economically will gain.  Our military will turn into a gorilla mechanism – with no leader of experience – the humane military will leave the service and when war ensues the draft will be put back into place.

With no social or diplomatic skills, our allies will turn their backs on America.

The horror of this possibility unravels my sense of any security or faith in the America that I love.  How can the land of greatest opportunity and liberty blithely hand over our liberties to this media clown and look their children in the eyes and say
                                            “I’m voting for your future”.  

                                                                                                      – Donna Freeberg

I’m right…you’re wrong.

I recently read the following:

(Note: Below was a post from FB.  I’m deleting the name to protect the fool that wrote it….)

“What do people who reject the God of the Bible become? In America they have become the Liberal/Left Socialists. In Russia and China they became Communists. How about those who create another God, what do they become? In the Middle East they have become Muslims who enslave, torture and behead people.The choice of who to become is so crystal clear. It really only depends on who you want to be and how you want to live. It doesn’t take any imagination at all…the evidence is all around us.”

My response is as follows:

A) The president of a Virginia Ku Klux Klan group claims that “the KKK is a faith-based Christian organization that does not condone violence.”

B) The oldest reference to Allah (“God” Islam/Muslim) – was discovered in Northern and Southern Arabia dating back to the fifth century B.C.   To state that all Muslims enslave, torture and behead is beyond radical.  Muhammad was a peaceful prophet.

C) Buddhism was founded in 624 B.C. Buddha was a peaceful prophet.

They all had their “God” and Prophets and Bibles and martyrs to the faith, long before the Christian Bible.

Also, to claim that all non-Christian bible thumpers (NOT non-Christians, mind you) are Liberals/Socialists is incorrect. However, I do think it might be a great compliment: If not for the Socialists of this country our forefathers and children would not have the Unions – which protected the middle class and poor during the industrial revolution through today. Also, the Socialist Party has no combined or recognized affiliation with Communism.

To be so pompous and self-righteous as to state that one’s beliefs are more correct than another’s beliefs is purely ignorant.  And, to attach misguided lies to support one’s superiority, or belief, is egocentric – not religious.

If I choose to believe that blue eye shadow is an abomination to me – does that mean that those who choose to wear it are wrong??

Gun Control, Political Agenda, Human and Disability Rights…….

To all of my FB, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram followers and friends:
Hereby unfriend, untweet, unpin and unchat me……if you want to sway
my opinions and convictions on:

A) Massive gun control for assault and automatic Rights
weapons – I believe that they do kill people. Period.
Also, If you spend more time defending your
weaponry than you do defending and assisting the
daily rights and options for disabled, homeless and
poor – or fighting bigotry
………….Please unfriend me.

B) Women’s rights and Planned Parenthood: I believe
that women have the right to own their reproduction.
Period. I believe that the organizations that uphold
these hard earned rights and medical services should
be supported and upheld.

C) That political agendas should be unmasked
(on all sides) and only work for the benefit of all people – not the wealthy –
but for the average working American.  I also believe that there
will never be a true democracy without socialized medicine and
uniform drug and pharmaceutical regulations.

If it is your opinion that the thought of the day is more important than a friendship or a human’s well being – if you think that your “post” will sway ethical and moral convictions that have taken 60 years to develop………..absolutely, unfriend me.  I’ll survive…. guaranteed.  

Recognition to (dis)Abilities by the Investment World?…Well, knock me over!

Sunday evening – June 7, 2015 – Dignity by Design (my company) was notified that it had become a semi-finalist in the Minnesota Cup Competition!!

Dignity by Design

his may not mean so very much to those out of state or globally, but to Minnesota it means a great deal.  And to a company that has dedicated its entirety to disabilities and the independence of the disabled, veteran and elderly…..well, it is unprecedented!!

For years, decades and historically – Disabilities have eluded investors as a non-glamorous, non-high-tech, non-money-making market.  However, with the onset of disabilities hitting the runway in fashion, new technological advances in disease, war aftermath, community inclusion and software (including apps) rising to meet the needs of disabilities – it has become a viable “Social Impact” venture to investors and media worldwide.

It’s about time!

“When we’ve risen to meet the needs of our fellow man/woman – to create an environment that allows for independence, recognition of abilities and respect of worth – as a whole – regardless of ability or disAbility – then, we have truly evolved.”  Donna Freeberg

Thank you MNCup for your recognition.  It is amazing!

MN Cup
MN Cup

Donna Freeberg, President
Dignity by Design – Fashion for all disAbilities

Hire Me!!!!


To:   My Friends and Network…………….

RE:  OPEN FOR BUSINESS – And “Thank You” before I proceed……..

To all of you who know me: You know that I am one of the best sales and marketing strategists in the business, I have superb acumen and proven experience…. and I NEED A JOB!!

I haven’t reached out to my network at large – until now. However, now I am now asking for your professional and much needed assistance:  Would you share with your company, or pass on to your network, my availability?

Need a fundraiser? Look no further.
Need a sales trainer or curriculum developer (and presenter):  I’m it!
Lead Development and Network/Partnership sourcing?  Bingo!!
I’m particularly versed in Nonprofits and will go (and have gone) above and beyond for any corporation.

Please read my blog: The Entrepreneur as an Employee

Also: This is my resume/portfolio website:

I believe that my skill set and assets offer a win-win to businesses globally…..just give me a chance to prove that it was be the best business decision or referral you’d made for years!!

Thank you….Thank you….dear Network!

Donna Freeberg

Wordpress Blog


Minnesota’s Angel Tax Credit provides a 25-percent credit to investors or investment funds that put money into startup companies focused on high technology, new proprietary technology, or a new proprietary product, process or service in specified fields. The maximum credit is $125,000 per person, per year ($250,000 if filing jointly). The credit is refundable. Residents of other states and foreign countries are eligible.

Available Funding

                A total of $16 million in tax credits is available, divided into two parts:

  • $7.5 million is reserved until Sept. 30 for investments in businesses owned by women or minorities or in businesses located in Greater Minnesota. As of 1/26/2015, $6.0 million remains. After Oct. 1, any remaining tax credits not allocated to these targeted businesses will be made available to others.
  • Another $8.5 million in credits (including unused credits from 2014) is available for investments in other businesses. As of 1/26/2015, $5.5 million remains.

ICANwDigall disability 2

Dignity by Design Enterprise by Design

Proprietary Social Impact product: 
Professional Clothing made exclusively for 
the Disabled, Elderly 
and Veteran

Seeking experienced Investors in:
Manufacturing, Disabilities, Fashion or Military Veterans 
Vista large2