We The People

💙 For Those that didn’t hear, wouldn’t hear or chose not to hear tonight’s Democratic Convention (August 18th, 2020) – missed the rally call of the nation…In EACH and every speaker, video and person – just like you and I – that have been affected by our world, as it stands, TODAY and what we have to lose….what we’ve already lost and what we will lose if we don’t take a stand, right what is wrong and fight against a tyranny that is threatening our existence as a democracy in this great nation. It is no longer party against party – this fight is against the downfall of moral decency, freedom and equality, economic and health survival and honor. There is no place now to hide or bury our heads from the truth that is displayed every single day – in our streets, in our communities – around our nation. Hate, violence and division is not the call of a moral president and administration that wants to build a better nation. It is the call to destroy a nation and take power over the freedom and liberties that we know, that our forefathers knew and freedoms that our children and grandchildren may Never know.

I may be 1 voice…but many voices together build villages and nations that are good and righteous – that recognize each and every individual as part of the whole. Some say: All government is corrupt – All politicians are the same. But what is a country without a free democratic government?: A dictatorship. It is chaos. It is totally corrupt and built on fear and power. The speakers tonight didn’t speak of hatred, they did not speak on the furtherance of bigotry and division. They didn’t hold up Bibles as props. THEY didn’t LIE. They brought issues to the forefront that are indisputable. While the current president Tweeted his anger at the truth and facts – these candidates and national supporters were imploring people to rise up and BE BETTER than THIS….and to be able to look their children….or their maker….in the eye and say: I did what was right for all people and for the generations to come.



I’ve often seriously considered where delusional, all consuming, hate stems from. We see it everyday through Social Media to the local market.

I understand that horrifying, terrifying or sad events can alter perspective…. and losses…. losses come in many forms. To lose someone, or something, unexpectedly …or at all…. manipulates our brains in ways that mankind (and therapists) strive to reach.

But, what of the Hate that a person, consciously decides upon? What purpose does it serve?

  • Does it feel “good” in some way, or give personal satisfaction by “sticking it to the man” (whomever that man may be) ?
  • Does it personally validate one’s true (or devised) calling in life?
  • Is it a need, or perceived need?
  • Is there a person or group that has personally affected you?
  • Do you choose NOT to overcome the hatred or does it choose you?

Next: How does Hate affect those around us? Family, friends, animals.

  • Do your loved ones share your hatred, or do they fear it? Do you care?
  • Who benefits from it but yourself?
  • What does your day consist of:
    • Time consumed
    • Seclusion
    • Social Media trolling
    • Delusional “plans”
    • …..worse

My friend: You deserve more than being governed by hate. Your family and companions deserve more of you. The world deserves a person who has compassion and joy – as we know in our heart of hearts, there has never been a profit that preached “hate thy neighbor”.

Life is short – and what we do with it will be remembered – either with hatred or love. And…… if there is a Redeemer – he/she will remember that as well.

For the Indigenous people of Standing Rock: The Government and Big Oil has betrayed you, millions of Americans, Clean Water and Mother Earth.

After months of protests by the Peaceful Water Protectors and the Indigenous peoples of Standing Rock (rightful owners of this treaty land) – the Militarized Police squads representing #DAPL Energy Transfer Partners Big Oil have forced the Indigenous off of their own land, arrested and brutalized the #Natives and Water Protectors – forced them at gunpoint onto nearby reservations, raided those reservations and continue to push them off of each reservation that they go to.  This is not justice – this is not upholding US/Native Treaties.
This is a fascist Government protecting one BIG OIL corporation for profit.

We as Americans, and the World, are watching – watching as this Government allows terroristic attacks against the Indigenous peoples – and allows our CLEAN WATER supplies to be poisoned, all for corporate greed and immediate profits.

Now is the time to persevere – with the Letter of the LAW, fighting this in impartial courts. It is our sacred duty – to our land and to our people! Aho!

 Lakota Law Project:  http://ourchildrenaresacred.org/


Let them eat cake….New Mantra

Today I read a response to a meme that shook me to the core.
By now, we’ve mantraall seen the meme:


I wasn’t enraged because the response was vicious or cursed – on the contrary: It was elitist and dismissive and only one sentence:

“Mountains,out of mole hills….typical.”

Thus…it garnered an immediate response.  But NOT my typical response.  NO:

“It might be an entirely different “mole hill” if your daughter, wife or son was: black, gay, Jewish, disabled, sexually assaulted or abused, killed or raped.

Of course that never happens, does it? Or maybe it just doesn’t happen to you. And the defense of the assaulter can always state that “It’s just a mole hill” – can’t they? Now they can – now they have a green light.

THAT may now be the “typical” – let them eat cake. The Twitter feeds were lit up with “The minute T wins, I’m gonna grab me the nearest pussy.” (Hundreds literally) NONE of this is typical – and I’m offended to my very core.”

YES: I’m offended.
YES: I’m scared that hate, bigotry and permissiveness is the new Mantra of our highest office.  

And if YOU’RE not scared – your mountain must be very high indeed.


I’m right…you’re wrong.

I recently read the following:

(Note: Below was a post from FB.  I’m deleting the name to protect the fool that wrote it….)

“What do people who reject the God of the Bible become? In America they have become the Liberal/Left Socialists. In Russia and China they became Communists. How about those who create another God, what do they become? In the Middle East they have become Muslims who enslave, torture and behead people.The choice of who to become is so crystal clear. It really only depends on who you want to be and how you want to live. It doesn’t take any imagination at all…the evidence is all around us.”

My response is as follows:

A) The president of a Virginia Ku Klux Klan group claims that “the KKK is a faith-based Christian organization that does not condone violence.”

B) The oldest reference to Allah (“God” Islam/Muslim) – was discovered in Northern and Southern Arabia dating back to the fifth century B.C.   To state that all Muslims enslave, torture and behead is beyond radical.  Muhammad was a peaceful prophet.

C) Buddhism was founded in 624 B.C. Buddha was a peaceful prophet.

They all had their “God” and Prophets and Bibles and martyrs to the faith, long before the Christian Bible.

Also, to claim that all non-Christian bible thumpers (NOT non-Christians, mind you) are Liberals/Socialists is incorrect. However, I do think it might be a great compliment: If not for the Socialists of this country our forefathers and children would not have the Unions – which protected the middle class and poor during the industrial revolution through today. Also, the Socialist Party has no combined or recognized affiliation with Communism.

To be so pompous and self-righteous as to state that one’s beliefs are more correct than another’s beliefs is purely ignorant.  And, to attach misguided lies to support one’s superiority, or belief, is egocentric – not religious.

If I choose to believe that blue eye shadow is an abomination to me – does that mean that those who choose to wear it are wrong??

Recapping the Year? Perhaps a tad……but first: Happy Holidays to All from Dignity by Design!


First and foremost:
HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all and may we all have Enough….

May the holidays enlighten us to diversity, and usher in a new year of Dignity for all!

As for this year and Dignity by Design: We’ve had our ups and downs. It continues to be a challenge to enlighten the financial community on the importance of disability services and products for the disabled, veterans and elderly.  When I say may we all have Enough….I mean that we should all have enough dignity, enough respect, enough joy and enough Ability to love ourselves and feel blessed with what we do have…..

It’s not easy in these tough economic, employment and Social Media crazed times to be
grateful for the hard times, the sick times, the lonely times and the times of loss.  So with the Holidays upon us, I wish you Enough…. enough strength, love and fortune to anticipate 2015 with hope and a renewed joy!

74 Years… and still the most powerful “Political Speech” on film:


Chaplin: The Great Dictator

The Greatest Political Speech of all time?  I think – yes.

At the time (1940) people couldn’t get beyond Chaplin’s parody or “image” as Hitler, and couldn’t see the irony: If only Hitler HAD believed this way – Millions of lives would not have perished.

But still today we grab firmly to sound bites and images (maybe more so than ever) and crucify the messenger for our own agendas. (In this case Chaplin was labeled a Communist and banished from the US)

We should all reflect carefully on this message to humanity this upcoming election –
and every day of our lives.

Can One Click help to make a dream?

OH yes it can!!!………… Please visit the site below..it’s free and painless and will help Dignity by Design fulfill it’s dream and the dreams of millions of disabled!!!!

GO TO: https://www.missionmainstreetgrants.com/vote

SEARCH: DbD …….. and vote!

SHARE: With your friends, family and the world.

P.S. Share back on what vote number you were  – it takes a village – Great friends & colleagues!


EDUCATION & RELIGION: Aren’t we forgetting something???

music school

Basing this blog solely on the article (below) regarding the exposure of a
Satanic cult to Florida schools:

If we were as worried about children’s true education: teaching them to WRITE before they graduate (if) … mathematics …history…the arts & music…social skills…real SHOP (bringing back mfg) and HOME EC (Sewing and cooking)…..as we “worry” about this religious bullshit, maybe our kids would have a chance at sustaining and contributing to this and future generations.

And… schools still have options in the distribution of information AND to approve of the content. Are we forcing these books (be it Christian, Satanic or whatever theological choice) on children? Have the schools become theological “pushers”….I don’t think so.

EXPOSING children to new or varied thoughts is not a threat – It allows them to make choices – the real threat is in not teaching them at all.

school 2             cook
